Schulzke Family

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Did we mention... Football?

Here's a quick update on Schulzke family life in January. Let me summarize: football, football, football. Don't worry, the other children aren't being ignored, but our first experience with tackle football for Tristian has been a learning one. He's enjoying it a lot! Here's a picture for you to see him in gear still in bad need of a haircut. With pictures of his hero Spencer Larsen (Denver Broncos, University of Arizona) all over his room along with the U of A colors, it's hard for him to ignore it's the thing he loves to do the most. So what are our plans for today? You guessed it!


At February 4, 2009 3:41 PM , Blogger Solomon said...

Didn't you guys watch The Water Boy? "Foozeball is the devil!" It's funny how children's tiny frames swim in the sea of pads and jersey. But still lookin' good, Tristian (except the haircut, of course). ;) Hope you have a good and safe season.

At February 11, 2009 3:43 PM , Blogger Kimberly said...

Glad the football thing is finally happening. That shows that you guys are really settled in. Keep up the post, it's nice to see what going on with you guys up there.


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