Schulzke Family

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Put popularity aside and vote!

Friends who know me know that I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. While Senator McCain was certainly not my first choice on the Republican ticket (as you'll see in former posts here), he does not represent the same kind of wavering position upon assessment of his audience that Senator Obama has shown over and over. You may cry out propaganda all you want... Barak Obama built his own track record as each of us build our own. Please make a well thought-out choice not only for President but for all leaders and ballot issues before you. I am also supporting proposition 102 in Arizona to put a clear definition of marriage into the constitution of the state. Connecticut showed the nation last week that judges put themselves ahead of legislation. We need to put a stronger stake in the ground for the future of our children! See you at the voting block on November 4! -- Quintus Schulzke


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